Featured Blog: Beck Institute Blog

The featured blog is the ‘Beck Institute Blog‘ by the staff at the Beck Institute. In the blog which started in October 2006, we are told that there will be occasional posts from Judith Beck and Aaron Beck himself! There are also some very useful resources such as links to videos of Beck on this page. The blog is updated regularly with reports on research studies. For instance there are references to CT’s effect on remission in depression being treated with ECT, effectiveness in treating ‘work-related stress‘, treatment of hypochondriasis, a study finding that CBT was effective in helping unemployed people return to work, a study showing reduction in admissions to hospital in people with angina,  CBT for adolescents with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a study in which an increase in grey matter volume was found in people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after CBT. There’s quite an interesting discussion around therapists falling asleep in sessions (follow the debate in the comments section). There is another interesting discussion on homework with a number of tips. The authors also inform the readers of conferences, relevant news items and awards. I found the blog particularly useful for the reports on research and this looks like  a helpful supplementary resource for people wanting to keep up to date with developments in the field. At the time of writing there hasn’t been a blog post since December 2008 but hopefully there will be some more interesting posts to come!


If you have any comments, you can leave them below or alternatively e-mail justinmarley17@yahoo.co.uk


The comments made here represent the opinions of the author and do not represent the profession or any body/organisation. The comments made here are not meant as a source of medical advice and those seeking medical advice are advised to consult with their own doctor. The author is not responsible for the contents of any external sites that are linked to in this blog.


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